Hairloss can be treated and reversed and we have proven this with the thousands of patients we have already treated. The key to treatment is detecting early, consider:
• Family history (are there close relatives who are or have suffered from alopecia- if so, you may be at risk)
• Early signs of hair loss- have you noticed your hairline recede or does your hair on the top of your head feel thin with your scalp being more noticeable.
• Greater Loss of hair than usual- are you noticing more hair fall while showering or brushing hair.
The earlier you can treat the problem the sooner you can bring your hair to its ultimate Density. Remember there is no cure, so it's all about prevention in the first place, and in situations where you are already experiencing hair loss it's to seek treatment as early as possible so we can help stop hair loss and regrow lost hair.
Treatments for androgenic alopecia should not burn a hole in your pocket, it's about understanding the problem and treating the root cause. We understand your genetics and know how to control the androgens. At Dense, all of our plans are tailored to match your hair goals. Take our free consultation to find out your hair plan!
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